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List of honeyeaters : ウィキペディア英語版
List of honeyeaters
Honeyeaters and the Australian chats make up the family Meliphagidae. They are a large and diverse family of small to medium sized birds most common in Australia and New Guinea, but also found in New Zealand, the Pacific islands as far east as Samoa and Tonga, and the islands to the north and west of New Guinea known as Wallacea.
Family: Meliphagidae
* ''Anthochaera''
* Red wattlebird, ''Anthochaera carunculata''
* Yellow wattlebird, ''Anthochaera paradoxa''
* Little wattlebird, ''Anthochaera chrysoptera''
* Western wattlebird, ''Anthochaera lunulata''
* ''Acanthagenys''
* Spiny-cheeked honeyeater, ''Acanthagenys rufogularis''
* ''Plectorhyncha''
* Striped honeyeater, ''Plectorhyncha lanceolata ''
* ''Philemon''
* Helmeted friarbird, ''Philemon buceroides''
* Silver-crowned friarbird, ''Philemon argenticeps''
* Noisy friarbird, ''Philemon corniculatus''
* Little friarbird, ''Philemon citreogularis ''
* ''Xanthomyza''〔Recent molecular phylogenetic work by Driskell & Christidis 2004, indicates ''Xanthomyza phrygia'' is contained within the genus ''Anthochaera'' and this species will be listed as ''Anthochaera phrygia'' in the next species list of Australian birds (L. Christids, pers. comm.)〕
* Regent honeyeater, ''Xanthomyza phrygia''
* ''Entomyzon''
* Blue-faced honeyeater, ''Entomyzon cyanotis''
* ''Melidectes''
* Belford's melidectes, ''Melidectes belfordi''
* Huon melidectes, ''Melidectes foersteri''
* Sooty melidectes, ''Melidectes fuscus''
* Vogelkop melidectes, ''Melidectes leucostephes''
* Short-bearded melidectes, ''Melidectes nouhuysi''
* Cinnamon-browed melidectes. (''Melidectes ochromelas''
* Long-bearded melidectes, ''Melidectes princeps''
* Yellow-browed melidectes, ''Melidectes rufocrissalis''
* Ornate melidectes, ''Melidectes torquatus''
* Gilliard's melidectes, ''Melidectes whitemanensis''
* ''Meliarchus''
* San Cristobal honeyeater, ''Meliarchus sclateri''
* ''Manorina''
* Bell miner, ''Manorina melanophrys''
* Noisy miner, ''Manorina melanocephala''
* Yellow-throated miner, ''Manorina flavigula''
* Black-eared miner, ''Manorina melanotis''
* ''Xanthotis''
* Macleay's honeyeater, ''Xanthotis macleayana''
* Tawny-breasted honeyeater, ''Xanthotis flaviventer''
* ''Meliphaga''
* Lewin's honeyeater, ''Meliphaga lewinii ''
* Yellow-spotted honeyeater, ''Meliphaga notata ''
* Graceful honeyeater, ''Meliphaga gracilis''
* White-lined honeyeater, ''Meliphaga albilineata''
* ''Lichenostomus''
* Bridled honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus frenatus''
* Eungella honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus hindwoodi''
* Yellow-faced honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus chrysops''
* Singing honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus virescens''
* Varied honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus versicolor''
* Mangrove honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus fasciogularis''
* White-gaped honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus unicolor''
* Yellow honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus flavus''
* White-eared honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus leucotis''
* Yellow-throated honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus flavicollis''
* Yellow-tufted honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus melanops''
* Purple-gaped honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus cratitius''
* Grey-headed honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus keartlandi''
* Yellow-plumed honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus ornatus''
* Grey-fronted honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus plumulus''
* Fuscous honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus fuscus''
* Yellow-tinted honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus flavescens''
* White-plumed honeyeater, ''Lichenostomus penicillatus''
* ''Melipotes''
* Spangled honeyeater, ''Melipotes ater''
* Smoky honeyeater, ''Melipotes fumigatus''
* Arfak honeyeater, ''Melipotes gymnops''
* Wattled smoky honeyeater, ''Melipotes carolae''
* ''Melithreptus''
* Black-chinned honeyeater, ''Melithreptus gularis''
* Strong-billed honeyeater, ''Melithreptus validirostris''
* Brown-headed honeyeater, ''Melithreptus brevirostris''
* White-throated honeyeater, ''Melithreptus albogularis''
* White-naped honeyeater, ''Melithreptus lunatus''
* Gilbert's honeyeater, ''Melithreptus chloropsis''
* Black-headed honeyeater, ''Melithreptus affinis''
* ''Macgregoria''
* MacGregor's honeyeater, ''Macgregoria pulchra''
* ''Glycichaera''
* Green-backed honeyeater, ''Glycichaera fallax'' (Aru Islands, Waigeo and Misool island, New Guinea, northeastern Australia)
* ''Lichmera''
* Scaly-crowned honeyeater, ''Lichmera lombokia'' (west-central Lesser Sunda Islands)
* Olive honeyeater, ''Lichmera argentauris'' (Moluccas and western islands of Papua New Guinea)
* Indonesian honeyeater, ''Lichmera limbata'' (Lesser Sunda Islands)
* Brown honeyeater, ''Lichmera indistincta'' (Aru Islands, central-southern New Guinea, Australia)
* Dark-brown honeyeater, ''Lichmera incana'' (New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, and Vanuatu)
* Scaly-breasted honeyeater, ''Lichmera squamata'' (Lesser Sunda Islands and Kai Island)
* Silver-eared honeyeater, ''Lichmera alboauricularis'' (north-central and southeastern New Guinea)
* Buru honeyeater, ''Lichmera deningeri'' (Buru)
* Seram honeyeater, ''Lichmera monticola'' (Seram)
* Flame-eared honeyeater, ''Lichmera flavicans'' (Timor)
* Black-necklaced honeyeater, ''Lichmera notabilis'' (Wetar)
* ''Timeliopsis''
* Olive straightbill, ''Timeliopsis fulvigula'' (New Guinea)
* Tawny straightbill, ''Timeliopsis griseigula'' (northwestern and southeastern New Guinea)
* ''Melilestes''
* Long-billed honeyeater, ''Melilestes megarhynchus'' (New Guinea, Aru Islands, western islands of Papua New Guinea)
* ''Oreornis ''
* Orange-cheeked honeyeater, ''Oreornis chrysogenys'' (West Papua, Indonesia
* ''Stresemannia''
* Bougainville honeyeater, ''Stresemannia bougainvillei'' (Bougainville Island)
* ''Trichodere''
* White-streaked honeyeater, ''Trichodere cockerelli'' (northeastern Australia)
* ''Grantiella''
* Painted honeyeater, ''Grantiella picta''
* ''Gymnomyza''
* Giant honeyeater, ''Gymnomyza viridis''
* Mao, ''Gymnomyza samoensis''
* Crow honeyeater, ''Gymnomyza aubryana''
* ''Phylidonyris''〔Recent molecular phylogenetic work by Driskell & Christidis 2004, indicates this genus is non-monophyletic and will undergo taxonomic revision in the near future.〕
* Crescent honeyeater, ''Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera''
* New Holland honeyeater, ''Phylidonyris novaehollandiae''
* White-cheeked honeyeater, ''Phylidonyris nigra''
* White-fronted honeyeater, ''Phylidonyris albifrons''
* Tawny-crowned honeyeater, ''Phylidonyris melanops''
* ''Ramsayornis''
* Brown-backed honeyeater, ''Ramsayornis modestus''
* Bar-breasted honeyeater, ''Ramsayornis fasciatus''
* ''Conopophila''
* Rufous-banded honeyeater, ''Conopophila albogularis''
* Rufous-throated honeyeater, ''Conopophila rufogularis''
* Grey honeyeater, ''Conopophila whitei''
* ''Acanthorhynchus''
* Eastern spinebill, ''Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris''
* Western spinebill, ''Acanthorhynchus superciliosus''
* ''Certhionyx''〔
* Banded honeyeater, ''Certhionyx pectoralis'' (northern Australia)〔based on molecular evidence, will be reclassified into the genus ''Cissomela''〕
* Black honeyeater, ''Certhionyx niger'' (Australia)〔based on molecular evidence, will be reclassified into the genus ''Sugomel''〕
* Pied honeyeater, ''Certhionyx variegatus'' (western central Australia)
* ''Myzomela''
* Drab myzomela, ''Myzomela blasii'' (southern Moluccan Islands of Ceram and Ambon)
* White-chinned myzomela, ''Myzomela albigula'' (southeast Papua New Guinea)
* Ruby-throated myzomela, ''Myzomela eques'' (New Guinea and the islands of Waigeo, Salawati, Misool, New Britain, and Umboi)
* Dusky honeyeater, ''Myzomela obscura'' (northern Moluccas, New Guinea, Aru Islands, northern and northeastern Australia, and southwestern Lesser Sunda Islands)
* Red myzomela, ''Myzomela cruentata'' (New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago)
* Papuan black myzomela, ''Myzomela nigrita'' (New Guinea, Aru Islands and Waigeo island)
* New Ireland myzomela, ''Myzomela pulchella'' (New Ireland and the eastern Bismarck Archipelago)
* Mountain myzomela.''Myzomela adolphinae'' (New Guinea)
* Crimson-hooded myzomela, ''Myzomela kuehni'' (central Lesser Sunda Islands)
* Sumba myzomela, ''Myzomela dammermani'' (southwestern Lesser Sunda Islands)
* Red-headed myzomela, ''Myzomela erythrocephala'' (southern New Guinea, Aru Islands, and northern Australia)
* Sulawesi myzomela, ''Myzomela chloroptera'' (Sulawesi and northern Moluccas)
* Wakolo myzomela, ''Myzomela wakoloensis'' (southern Moluccas)
* Banda myzomela, ''Myzomela boiei'' Lesser Sunda Islands, Banda Islands, and Tanimbar Islands)
* Scarlet myzomela, ''Myzomela sanguinolenta'' (eastern Australia)
* New Caledonian myzomela, ''Myzomela caledonica'' (new Caledonia)
* Micronesian myzomela, ''Myzomela rubrata'' (Mariana Islands, Palau, and Caroline Islands)
* Cardinal myzomela, ''Myzomela cardinalis'' (southeastern Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Samoa)
* Rotuma myzomela, ''Myzomela chermesina'' (northwestern Fiji)
* Sclater's myzomela, ''Myzomela sclateri'' (small islands off northeast coast of New Guinea and New Britain)
* Bismarck black myzomela, ''Myzomela pammelaena'' (Bismarck Archipelago)
* Red-capped myzomela, ''Myzomela lafargei'' (Solomon Islands)
* Crimson-rumped myzomela, ''Myzomela eichhorni'' (central Solomon Islands)
* Black-headed myzomela, ''Myzomela melanocephala'' (Solomon Islands)
* Red-vested myzomela, ''Myzomela malaitae'' (southeastern Solomon Islands)
* Sooty myzomela, ''Myzomela tristrami'' (southern Solomon Islands)
* Orange-breasted myzomela, ''Myzomela jugularis'' (Fiji)
* Black-bellied myzomela, ''Myzomela erythromelas'' (Bismarck Archipelago)
* Black-breasted myzomela, ''Myzomela vulnerata'' (Lesser Sunda Islands)
* Red-collared myzomela, ''Myzomela rosenbergi'' (New Guinea)
* ''Anthornis''
* New Zealand bellbird, ''Anthornis melanura''
* ''Prosthemadera''
* Tui or parson bird. ''Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae''
* ''Epthianura''
* Crimson chat, ''Epthianura tricolor''
* Orange chat, ''Epthianura aurifrons''
* Yellow chat, ''Epthianura crocea''
* White-fronted chat, ''Epthianura albifrons''
* ''Ashbyia''
*Gibberbird, ''Ashbyia lovensis''

* Driskell, A.C. and Christidis, L. (2004). Phylogeny and evolution of the Australo-Papuan honeyeaters (Passeriformes, Meliphagidae). ''Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution'' 31 943–960.

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